Thank the Gods!
For Hot Water!!!!!
An unauthorized autobiography, if I knew I was writing this, I would sue myself out of existence... ;)
I awoke with a back ache. I used to get these all the time, but after getting a better bed they had gone away. I haven't had one in months, I thought they were gone. This is disappointing, annoying, and painful. I think the worst part is that until it goes away, completely, I can't go back to sleep. I need to get some pain relievers. Maybe hot water will help.
I suppose what I said needs some explaining. The her I speak of is Anna. She is the love of my life. Sometimes we talk. A lot. Sometimes she is hard to find. We have been talking lately, she has even called me on the phone. I never know how to take her though, and she won't tell me. I have asked, but when I do, she goes away again. I've decided not to ask anymore.