An unauthorized autobiography, if I knew I was writing this, I would sue myself out of existence... ;)

Saturday, September 09, 2006


There was a shuttle launch this morning. I didn't know if they would make it off or not today(they have had several postponements and weren't sure if they would get off before the end of the month), so I didn't try to find a time so that I could get up and watch it go. Now I'm watching the NASA live feed, which is interesting in a paint drying sort of way. It's not bad really, there's a narrator that comes on every once in a while and sometimes you hear from the astronauts. Mostly it's a bucnh of guys (guys for me in a reference to a group can be either male or female or a mixed group, but in this case all I see are men)sitting around computers, and working, or wandering around Mission Control.

I'll have to see if I can figure out when they are going EVA, that should be interesting.

Friday, September 08, 2006

High School Reunion...Redux

Well I went, and hada pretty good time actually. I anly saw a few people that I knew, but it was good. I ran into Adam, one of my closest friends from High School. I also saw Jill, another old friend from High School. I didn't know her as well as I could have in High School, but I'm going to try to remedy that.