An unauthorized autobiography, if I knew I was writing this, I would sue myself out of existence... ;)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Court Day, Part 1.

I got up at some unholy hour (for a day off) to go to court. The subpoena said I should be there at 8:45. When I had spoken to the lawyer he told me he thought it would be about 1:00p before he would need me, but since the subpoena said 8:45, I figured that was when I had better be there. I got there at 8:30. I checked in and was told that I should go sit in the courtroom. I think they may have thought I was a juror. I sat in the court room for a while and then the lawyer for the defense pulled me out. He had me sit in the hallway.

A few hours went by and he came out and told me I should go to lunch because it would be at least an hour before I was needed. I went to Church's fried Chicken (it was close and cheap(ish)). I may remark more on this later. After eating I headed back to the courthouse and everyone seemed to be coming out. The lawyer said to come back about 2:30.

I came home and puttered about, and now am about to head back off to court. Hopefully they will get me in there and let me say my bit and then let me go. This is already taking all day....


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