An unauthorized autobiography, if I knew I was writing this, I would sue myself out of existence... ;)

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I can't believe that I will be in Chicago for Samhain. It's quite annoyng, I'm going to miss the U.U.'s annual Halloween party, and there no real chance for a ritual as my roommate is very Christian, how annoying. I mean he's a nice enough guy and all, but he just wouldn't get it.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Good day...

Had a pretty good day today, got off work early (sure, I'll miss the hours, but oh well.... ;) ) then went shopping with a friend. Had a good dinner and now am about to go call my roommate on our new phone. It's a VoIP phone, so that's pretty cool.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Well, I'm working. In Chicago. Not my kind of town, but if they pay me, I'll work. I'm here till Thanksgiving pretty much.........